Kieren Spittles

Junior Developer Machine Learning Researcher Physicist

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About Me
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I am a hard working individual with excellent problem-solving and mathematical knowledge. I have a particular interest in machine learning. I have a thirst for learning new things and do so quickly. I am currently looking for a temporary position in an IT related field to gain relevant experience. In the future I aim to complete a PhD in machine learning, or begin a career in software development.

Contact Me

  • Full Name: Kieren William Spittles
  • Date of birth: 26 / 03 / 1998
  • Email:
  • Phone: + 445734 367269


  • 90%
  • 85%
  • 70%
  • 70%
  • 50%


Computer Science Msc | Swansea University - Distinction - 2020-2021 - Results Pending

Thesis: Developing novel query strategies for Active Learning - Worked with EMRTS to create a prediction app to assist control room staff.
  • Distinction in every module
  • Notable modules include:
    • Software Engineering Principles [84%]
    • Optimisation [89%]
    • Relational and Object Orientated Databases [91%]
    • Data Visualisation [89%]

Physics Bsc | Swansea University - First Class Honors - 2017-2020

Thesis: Simulating models for cosmological inflation during the first epoch.
  • Distinction in every module
  • Notable modules include:
    • Physics Simulation [81%]
    • Particle Physics [100%]
    • Cosmology [84%]

Other Projects

Research Associate

Currently part of an associate research team with Swansea University. Our current research proposes a novel approach for uncertainty estimation in a Bayesian opti-misation framework. The aim is that this work will to be submitted for the GECCO 2022 machine learning con-ference. This has provided me invaluable experience in developing software as part of a team, as well as using software version control (git) and working on a super-computer.

Freelance Web Developer

Built and maintained a website for the local parish council to provide a platform which enables engagement within the local community. Worked closely with the council clerk to train members on editing the page including adding minutes for meetings and local event advertisements. I also regularly assist the council in updating the page, and keeping the website up to date with the ever-changing government guidelines.

App Development

In my spare time I enjoy working on a multitude of software projects. Currently, I am working with a team on an innovative piece ofsoftware which aims to improve safety in the gym. The app, aimed at weight lifters, accurately tracks the bar’s path during various exercises, and provides real time feedback.


Please do not hesitate to contact me. References are available on request.

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Bucks Cross
EX39 5DP

Contact me via e-mail

Call Me

Phone: + 44 7534 367269